Aglaopus whalleyi Konvička, Spitzer & Jaros, 1998; Plate 7
Holotype, North Vietnam.
The male holotype of Aglaopus whalleyi Konvicka et al. (1998) from Vietnam (Tam Dao Mountains), is in the NHM (Mi7305).
34mm. A species with a light yellow and rusty brown chequering on a pinkish-brown background. The HW is similar with a broad brown sub terminal band. This blotchy patterning is similar to several Canaea spp. The antennae are lightly ciliate. The third segment of the labial palpi are one-fifth the length of the second. The vertex is ochreous brown. The thorax is ochreous grey, the inner margin of the HW bears a long reddish fringe. Konvicka et al., (1998), describe the male genitalia but the female is unknown.
Distribution & Habitat
Vietnam (N). Hill deciduous forest; <950m.
Life History & Pest Status
No information
Similar spp.
See Plates