Banisia cyclothyris  Hampson, 1914;  Plate 7


W. Malaysia, GTE. The holotype of Rhodoneura cyclothyris Hampson, 1914:111 from Singapore is in the NHM (Mi7330), genitalia slide #8441.


26-40mm. A rich orange-brown medium sized species with the thyridid reticulation picked out with a pale greyish black. The FW fringe is black and the HW fringe is white. The only distinctive pattern is a large pale oval fenestra in the middle of the FW.

Distribution & Habitat

N. Sumatra, W. Malaysia, Singapore, Sabah, Kalimantan Barat. Lowland primary and secondary forest and disturbed areas; <600m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

Similar spp.

B. myrtaea Drury, 1773 is very similar in size and color but the fenestra is usually divided and it has an additional smaller pale patch to the posterior.