Banisia intonsa  Whalley, 1976;  Plate 7;  RTS #405


Sarawak, Gg. Mulu NP, Camp 4. The male holotype of Banisia intonsa Whalley, 1976 from Sabah (Mt. Kinabalu) is in the NHM (Mi7326), genitalia slide #14484 (Whalley, 1976:172, Fig’d.).


39mm. The yellow-brown patchy coloration gives this species a distinctive appearance. The middle of the FW has a large oval fenestra next to a square pale patch distal between CuA and M veins. There is little variability but in the male the Un thorax is more reddish and there are thick expansible yellowish-brown hair pencils on the hind tibiae (RTS:129).

Distribution & Habitat

Sabah, Brunei, Sarawak. Hill and subalpine forest; 1200-2600m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

Similar spp.

See Plates