Calindoea anticalis Walker, [1866] 1865;  Plate 2


Sabah, PHS, Por 7. The holotype of Pyralis anticalis Walker, [1866] 1865:1238 from Misool is in the OUMNH. Ms. comb. n. to Calindoea (Shaffer 1992, LepIndex). Schulze morphotype T6. Rhodoneura tetraonalis Moore, 1877:617 from South Andaman Is. (Port Blair) is in the NHM (Mi7351) and indicated as a possible synonym of C. anticalis Walker, [1866] 1865 by Shaffer and transferred to Calindoea Ms. stat. n., Shaffer, (1992 LepIndex) but retained here as a good species pending further investigation (See Plate 2, Fig. 56).


22-30mm. A small silvery, pale fawn species with darker purplish-fawn diffuse submarginal fascia. The basal area of the FW costa is pale purplish-brown. There is a tiny black spot set in a shiny white patch at the FW apex. The submarginal line on the HW is broken into dashes slightly darker than other markings but some of these lines are variable and some morphotypes have much better defined markings and other differences. Undescribed morphotypes from Sri Lanka and Philippines, nr. C. anticalis, are in the NHM (Mi7351).

Distribution & Habitat

Andaman Is., China, NE Bengal, Myanmar, W. Malaysia, Sabah, Brunei, Sarawak, Kalimantan Selatan, Java, Misool, PNG, Fiji. Lowland and hill forest and disturbed areas; <630m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

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See Plates