Calindoea sp. 5; Plate 3
Sabah, Mt. Kinabalu. Part of the C. anticalis-argentalis group.
30mm. Calindoea sp. 5. nr. C. puralis is a glossy white species from Sabah, (Mount Kinabalu), in the NHM (Mi7348). There is a tiny black spot set in a shiny white patch at the FW apex with adjacent strigillate dark markings. There are a few other smaller blotches near the termen and in the postmedian area of the FW. See C. argentalis, C. puralis and Calindoea spp. 6 & 12. The obvious purple-brown blotch of C. puralis is reduced to a small triangular blotch post-medially at the dorsum of the FW.
Distribution & Habitat
Sabah. Lower montane.
Life History & Pest Status
No information
Similar spp.
See Plates