Canaea semitessellata Walker, [1863] 1864; Plate 7; RTS #401
Brunei, Lamumin. ?Sarawak, Gng. Dulit. The female holotype of Canaea semitessellata Walker [1863] 1864:73 from Sarawak is in OUMNH; genitalia slides #430-1964 and NHM #9555. Several authors repeatedly transferred this species back and forth between Canaea and Rhodoneura, the last being Whalley (1964:118), comb. rev. to Canaea.
34-46mm. There is a slight sexual dimorphism with the larger females (<46mm) having some orange-brown colouration on the basal half of the wings. There is very little variation in the patterning within the sexes but the hyaline fenestrae in the centre of the wings are more noticeable in the females.
Distribution & Habitat
Sumatra, W. Malaysia, Sabah, Brunei, Sarawak. Lowland, lower montane forest and disturbed forest; <1220m.
Life History & Pest Status
No information
Similar spp.
A pale yellow brown species similar to Aglaopus sordida and Canaea similella but C. semitessellata has a complete median fascia extending from the HW costa to the inner angle, unlike A. sordida.