Collinsa acutalis  Walker, [1866] 1865;  Plate 3


W. Malaysia, GTE. The holotype of Pyralis acutalis Walker, [1866] 1865:1523 from Misool is in the OUMNH. Ms. comb. n. to Collinsa (Shaffer, 1992 LepIndex). Syn. Rhodoneura hamifera Moore, [1888] 1887: 213 is from India. Syn. of C.acutalis (Gaede, 1932: 760). Syn. Microsca nitens Butler, 1887:116 is from the Solomon Islands (Alu [Islands]). Syn. n. of C. acutalis Walker (Warren 1908:342. Ms syn. Pharambara atribasalis Warren, 1899b:317 lectotype from Alu [Islands]. Ms. syn. n. and stat. n. as an ab. of Microsca nitens Butler in Shaffer, 1991 LepIndex).


19-23mm. This species is a light reddish brown with an overall reticulate pattern in darker brown. The FW has indistinct complex fasciation and a small white c-shaped apical spot. Note the three small spots on the FW apex. The HW has a narrow antemedian fascia which is less distinct near the forward edge. In ab. atribasalis most of the FW basal area is suffused dark brown. See Collinsa sp. 2 (RTS: 134, pl. 23, fig.13 (as Pharambara sp. #428)) which is very similar.

Distribution & Habitat

Taiwan, Sri Lanka, West Bengal, Assam, Thailand, W.Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan Timur, Sulawesi, Misool, West Irian, PNG, Solomon Islands. Lowland and hill forest and disturbed areas; <1220m.

Life History & Pest Status

Reported in a plantation of Theobroma cacao, (Sterculiaceae) (cocoa) in Sabah (Tawau), (Conway, 1971) but the sp. involved is not C. acutalis. It is probably Collinsa sp. 2.

Similar spp.

See Collinsa sp. 20 (which may be a ssp. of this) and also the similar C. ancylosema.