Collinsa commanotata  Warren, 1899b;  Plate 3;  RTS #424


W. Malaysia, GTE. The holotype of Pharambara commanotata (Warren, 1899b:317) is from Sarawak (Gg. Dulit). Comb. n. to Collinsa (RTS: 133).


20mm. This species is a light reddish brown with an overall indistinct reticulate pattern in darker brown. The FW has a small white c-shaped apical spot and two dark brown spots on the midline towards the termen. Note the distinct, incomplete, dark striping on the HW which is unique to this species. The Un has a similar distinct patterning with a pair of spots on the R vein having black, orange and silver scales.

Distribution & Habitat

Sumatra, W. Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Sarawak, Java, Sulawesi. Lowland and hill forest; <1200m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

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See Plates