Dysodia miniata  Walker, 1863;  Plate 9;  RTS #391


Ssp. miniata; Sarawak, Mulu, W. Melinau Gorge. The holotype of Varnia miniata Walker, 1863:69 from Sarawak, is in the OUMNH. At one time D. fenestrata and D. laevis were considered synonymous with this species but were reinstated as good species (RTS:125). Pachythyris [Dysodia] siculoides Felder, Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874:75, fig. 1 from ?Java was also synonymised with D. miniata Walker but Shaffer considered it a good species (1984 Ms. stat rev. LepIndex).


35mm. On the Un FW there is a distinct group of black spots near the end of the cell (RTS:125). The HW has a large kite-shaped fenestra. Variability is mainly associated with a reduction of the amount of yellow and replacement with red coloration. The nominate ssp. D.miniata from Thailand, W. Malaysia, Borneo is very different from most Indian specimens. It is a little larger and has a more yellow ground colour and slightly larger fenestrae. Dysodia sp. 6 below is probably an undescribed ssp. of D. miniata. It makes up most of the Indian specimens seen. It is also present at GTE, W. Malaysia and is a duller brown with very little bright red coloration. The pale yellow areas of the FW near the tornus seen in the nominate ssp., are entirely reddish brown. In Hong Kong both color forms occur. Another series in the NHM (Mi7281) probably represents another undescribed ssp. from Sulawesi. It is very poorly marked and a dull grey-brown.

Distribution & Habitat

Hong Kong, S. India, Sikkim, Thailand, Sumatra, W. Malaysia, Singapore, Sarawak, Brunei, Kalimantan Barat, Sulawesi. Lowland to lower montane; <1200m.

Life History & Pest Status

The pupa is squat and wrinkled and has a cremaster composed of c. eight filaments with curved ends (RTS:125-126). It is a stem borer of Crateva adansonii & C. religiosa (Capparidaceae) and Rosa sp. (Rosaceae).

Similar spp.

See 'Description' above & Plates