Dysodia ypsiloides  Pagenstecher, 1892;  Plate 9


S.E. Java, Gg. Tengger. The holotype of Varnia ypsiloides Pagenstecher, 1892 from E. Java is in the NHM (Mi7280). Once synonymised with D. miniata, it is now considered distinct. Ms. stat. n. (Shaffer 1984 LepIndex).


30mm. Superficially similar to D. fenestrata but the wings are a much more uniform yellowish brown with a few speckled markings in dark brown and very few reddish patches.

Distribution & Habitat

Sumatra, Sabah, Java. Lowland to lower montane forest; 600m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

Similar spp.

See D. fenestrata & Sp.11 which is very similar but has a more blotched wing pattern with paler reddish areas and a smaller fenestra.