Herdonia concordia Inoue, 2001;  Plate 4;  not Borneo


Paratype, N. Sumatra. The holotype of Herdonia concordia Inoue, 2001 from N. Sumatra is in the NHM (Mi7449).


34-39mm. A species with rather atypical Herdonia patterning on the FW. The HW has a few small brown basal marks and a very narrow dark brown median fascia which widens slightly towards the inner margin, with a very narrow dark brown submarginal band. The male antennae are almost identical to H. pulchella (the antennal lamellae are very short and moniliform). The closely related H. subpulchella and H. pulchella are very similar and have very similar male genitalia. The FW postmedian fasciae of those species are more widely forked.

Distribution & Habitat

N. Sumatra. Hill to upper montane forest; 950-1600m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

Similar spp.

See Plates