Herdonia deminuta Inoue, 1993; Plate 4; RTS #410
Male holotype, W. Malaysia, Cameron Highlands.
The holotype of Herdonia deminuta Inoue, 1993 is from W. Malaysia (Cameron Highlands). RTS #410 illustrate it as an unnamed Herdonia sp. (Inoue, 1993:148 & figs.).
31-37mm. FW with typical Herdonia patterning with a square brown patch near the tornus. This species is closely related to H. margarodes Inoue 1993 but has antennal rami that are more slender and longer, about three times the diameter of the shaft. See H. brunneola which is very similar. A form seen from Sabah and GTE differs slightly in FW marks and lacks the solid brown patches of the basal area of the HW.
Distribution & Habitat
Thailand, N. Sumatra, W. Malaysia, Singapore, Sabah, Kalimantan. Lowland and lower montane forest; <1600m.
Life History & Pest Status
No information
Similar spp.
See Plates, especially H.margarodes, H.brunneola