Hypolamprus bastialis Walker, 1859e;  Plate 5


Specimen imaged is from Indonesia, Seram, Gg. Kobipoto. The holotype of Pyralis bastialis Walker, 1859e:902 is given as India 'Hindustan' by Walker (1859b). It is in the NHM (Mi7378). Comb. n. to Hypolamprus (Shaffer & Nielsen. 1996)


18-21mm. This is a pale silvery grey brown colour and has an overall reticulate pattern with few distinctive linear marks. The FW is markedly falcate as is that of H. bracteata. The median fascia is represented by faint lines which pass through an ill defined orbicular mark forming an elongated ‘x’ shaped marking. This mark is very well defined in H. bracteata. Some of the specimens considered to be this species may be subspecies or even distinct species on closer examination.

Distribution & Habitat

Very widely distributed. Sri Lanka, N.W. India, Karnataka, Kerala, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Assam, Nagaland, Nicobar Is., Thailand, Sumatra, W. Malaysia, Sabah, Kalimantan Selatan, Philippines, Bali, Seram, Sulawesi, West Papua, PNG, Australia. Lowland to upper montane; <1700m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

Similar spp.

A species which can be confused with H. bracteata & H. chrysothalama. The latter has a less falcate FW. The wings of H. bracteata have a very distinct branching patterning and a well defined subterminal line running from near the tornus to join the apical fascia.