Iscalina mediosecta Warren, 1898;  Plate 8:  not Borneo


Image at the bottom of the 1st column on the left in Plate 8 is the male holotype from New Guinea, Kei Is. The female is at the top of column 2. Originally described as Striglina mediosecta (Warren, 1898:424). In the NHM (Mi7307), genitalia slide #11161. Comb. n. Whalley (1976:116). Syn. Striglina derasata ab. vulpina (Warren: 1897:383) is from New Guinea (Fergusson Is.). The female lectotype designated by Whalley is also in the NHM (Mi7307), genitalia slide #13525. A single male specimen is reported from Australia (Q). Syn. n. (Whalley, 1976:116-117). Syn. Striglina indistincta Gaede, 1922:30. The male syntype from PNG (Kaiserin Augusta River) is in the MfNB, NHM genitalia slide #10893. Syn. n. (Whalley, 1976:116-117, fig. 83).


30-36mm. This species is somewhat variable, usually greyer than I. hyperbolica (not illustrated here). It is also sexually dimorphic with the females often being marginally larger with a more distinctly falcate FW. No sspp. have been described but at least five morphotypes can be distinguished.These need closer examination as to their taxonomic status and a resolution of their distribution. Morphotype 1 unnamed, from Myanmar, Buru, Seram and Sulawesi is very similar to but slightly darker and duller than than the nominate holotype. It includes a morphotype from Burma [Myanmar], NHM genitalia slide #17587. Morphotype 2 unnamed. New Guinea, is a paler grey brown and has a more patchy appearance than the nominate holotype and resembles syn. I.indistincta. Morphotype 3 unnamed.Represented by a single specimen in the NHM (Mi7307) from West Papua, (Mt. Goliath), which has a more patchy appearance and is a paler brown than the nominate holotype. Morphotype 4 unnamed.This resembles I. derasata ab. vulpina which is very similar in external appearance to I. hyperbolica (partim).

Distribution & Habitat

Myanmar, Sulawesi, Seram, West Papua, PNG, Fergusson Is., Australia (Q). Lowland to subalpine; <2700m.

Life History & Pest Status

Reported as feeding on Theobroma cacao (Sterculiaceae), cocoa (HOSTS [Accessed Nov. 2008]).

Similar spp.

I. hyperbolica is often brighter colored and more yellowish and is said to be slightly smaller. The male genitalia of the two species can be examined without dissection by gently brushing the dorsal side of the abdomen tip. The two forks of the uncus of I. hyperbolica can be easily distinguished from the single process of I. mediosecta (Whalley, 1976). However many museum series are probably mixed.