Mathoris sp. 2; Plate 8
W. Malaysia, GTE. Mathoris sp. 2. An unnamed series in the NHM (Mi7318) and the HSB Coll.
There is a large area of blood-red and yellow coarsely reticulate patches in the post median area of the FW associated with several large oval pale fenestrae. The HW is coarsely reticulated with patches of red, yellow and purple and a narrow purple-grey margin. Fenestrae on the HW include one large oval fenestra, median, near the costa.
Habitat & Distribution
Thailand, W. Malaysia, Brunei, Java. Lowland, hill and lower montane forest and disturbed areas; <1450m.
Life History & Pest Status
See Plate 10, Fig. 233a for a specimen photographed by John Moore in Thailand (Chiang Mai). It may represent another unnamed Mathoris species or may illustrate the variability of this sp.2.
Similar spp.
See Plates, especially see Mathoris spp. 1 & 3.