Picrostomastis subrosealis Leech, 1889;  Plate 7;   RTS #420,


Imaged specimen from Sabah. PHS, Canopy Walkway. The male holotype of Microsca subrosealis Leech, 1889:66 from China (Yunnan: Ningpo) is in the NHM. Comb. n. to Picrostomastis (RTS: 132). Syn. Rhodoneura fuscusa Chu & Wang, 1992:228, 245 & figs. (orig. Eng. misspel. as fuscuss), syn. n. (Shaffer & Nielsen, 1996). Syn. Betousa penestica West, 1932: 7 TL Philippines (Luzon) is in the NHM. Syn. n. (Shaffer & Nielsen, 1996). Syn. Hypolamprus hemimochla Meyrick, 1933:444 from Java, (Seneng) is in the NHM. Syn. n. (Shaffer & Nielsen, 1996).


17-26mm. This red-brown species has a purplish bloom. The wings are lightly reticulated with a few distinct spots. It has cream colored fringes chequered with black on the termen and the FW is falcate. The rather rectangular HW is slightly scalloped. The FW costa is marked with small dark patches.

Distribution & Habitat

S.W. China, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Meghalaya, Assam, Myanmar, Thailand, Sumatra, W. Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan Barat, Java, Tambora, Sumba, Bali, Sulawesi, Damar Is., Philippines, Australia. Lowland and hill forest; <1200m.

Life History & Pest Status

Feeds in fruits and on leaves of Glochidion puberum (Euphorbiaceae).

Similar spp.

This species is superficially similar to Hypolamprus angulalis(143) but that has a totally different shaped HW, more dark scaling submarginally and lacks the patches on the FW costa as well as the black streaks and silvery delineation of the Un FW veins.