Rhodoneura pudicula Guenée, [1858] 1857; Plate 2;  RTS#438


Brunei, Ulu Temburong. The holotype of Siculodes pudicula Guenée, [1858] 1857, pl.1, fig. 8 from Java is in the NHM (Mi 7390). Comb. n. to Rhodoneura Walker, 1865:523.


This species is unmistakable, boldly leopard spotted in purplish brown on pale pink. It varies considerably in size. The Un has a more greenish brown with pink veins. The ab. obsolesces Warren, 1908: 347, found in both sexes, has much less well defined markings.

Distribution & Habitat

Thailand, W. Sumatra, W. Malaysia, Brunei, Sabah, Kalimantan, W & E Java, Bali, Sulawesi, West Papua, PNG. Lowland and lower montane forest; <1400m.

Life History & Pest Status

No information

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See Plates