Home > Pyraloidea > Crambidae > Crambinae Latreille, 1810 > PENICULIMIUS Schouten

Peniculimius crassus Schouten, [1994]; PED 5

  • Taxonomy

    The holotype of Peniculimius crassus Schouten, 1994: : 20, figs. 5, 11, 12, 17 is from Sabah, Mt. Kinabalu. The paratype is in the NHM.

  • Description

    Wing length: 6.5mm. The slightly falcate FW appears mainly pale brown, (with a mix of dark brown and white scales) It has a single bicolour, transverse median line, which is grey blue on the basal edge and orange distally. The apex is orange and a triangular apical area is delineated by two orange and two blue grey lines. There are eight termenal spots separated by orange patches. Schouten (1994: describes and illustrates the sp. and its genitalia. The HW is a very pale brown. Almost indistinguishable from other Peniculimius spp. with eight black termenal dots being similar to Peniculimius api, P fructus & P. marginata which only differ slightly in the shape of the fasciae and in the texturing (scale distribution) in the brownish areas. They are all best separated by the genitalia.

  • Distribution & Habitat

    Sabah. Mt. Kinabalu. Submontane, primary forest <1500m

  • Life History & Pest Status

    no content available.

  • Similar spp.

    Peniculimius spp. are best separated by the genitalia.

  • Unrelated Look-alikes

    no content available.

  • References

    Schouten, R.T.A. (1994) Storkia. Den Haag. Museon, 3: 20, figs. 5, 11, 12, 17.

  • Genitalia

    no content available.

  • DNA Barcode

    no content available.

  • 3D Imaging

    no content available.

  • Spare

    no content available.

(1) Taxonomy, (2) Description, (3) Distribution & Habitat, (4) Life History & Pest Status, (5) Similar spp., (6) Unrelated Look-alikes, (7) References, (8) Genitalia, (9) DNA Barcode, (10) 3D Imaging, (11) Spare